It is every server’s goal to keep the customer happy, but when you go from being just the customer to being “Mike” or “Lisa” that’s when you know you’ve found “your place”.
Congrats! You’re a Cujo’s regular. Regulars know the severs by name, they know you as well, you often sit in the same spot, chat about your job, your kids, or just your day in general. Being a regular makes you more than a customer, it makes you a friend. The staff will go out of their way to please you, they know your food order, your drink order, and your favorite sports team.
When you’re a regular, you are spending a good chunk of time (and money) at one restaurant. It only makes sense to get something back in return! Whether you’re a daily regular, a Sunday night football kind of guy, or just a monthly book club leader Cujo’s Sports Bar loyalty program is for you. Here’s how you join and start benefiting today:
1.     Go to Cujo’s Sports Bar.
2.     Tell your sever or bartender that you would like to join The All Access Loyalty Club.
3.     Visit our website www.cujosports.comand click “Loyalty Club Login
4.     Enter your card number.
5.     Get a $5 bonus just for registering.
6.     Each time you visit Cujo’s, present you All Access Loyalty Club card when you receive your bill. 
7.     For every $200 spent, you will receive  $20 in cash back bonus bucks.
Former NFL defensive back, Curtis Jordan, is the owner of Cujo’s Sports Bar. After opening several successful restaurants, Curtis “Cujo” came to his hometown of Lubbock to open and operate Cujo’s. Cujo’s boasts the coldest beer in Texas along with an extensive collection of memorabilia. With over 40 TV’s, interactive games, pool, and more, stop by Cujo’s Sports Bar & Grill in Lubbock 5811 4th Street. Visit our website, like us on Facebook, or give us all call at (806) 791-2622 for more information. Get in the game with Cujo’s!